Monday, March 3, 2008

BIG sigh

Here we are, the start of week 7 and I've lost 7.7 lbs. So much for losing 25 by my birthday (May 13); I'll be lucky if I lose 15! Heck, 10!

Anyway...I have an "event" on April 5th and I'd love to be able to go out and buy a new "grown-up" outfit for it. 32 days, how many pounds do you think I can lose by then.

I need this snow to melt so that I can take the stroller and go for walks. Or put snowtires on the stroller (do they make snowtires for strollers? mental note...create a snow-stroller and make lots of money). We took the kids to the playground yesterday. They got a kick out of playing in the sandbox which was covered in snow.

Today is Red-White-Blue Day to celebrate Dr. Suess. I have to remember to get a pic of the kids later before the start shedding clothes (usually the split second they walk in the front door). G even has a Cat-In-The-Hat Hat.

O.k., off to do something. Happy March.

1 comment:

Shannon @ Gabi's World said...

I say you can do 8 pounds by then!

I am so ready for the Spring, too! I see some hints around here... tulips are sprouting...can see the grass a bit warmer!

Please Pray for Chelsea